Conventional Osteosarcoma with lung Metastasis

Conventional Osteosarcoma with lung Metastasis

☑️24 years old male with right knee pain and antalgic gait.
☑️Lateral knee X-ray shows sclerotic bone lesion in proximal metaphysis of tibia (taken at May 2016)☑️X-Ray taken 8 months later, significant growthof lesion is seen, extending to the epiphysis of tibia. ☑️MRI shows the hypointense lesion in metaphysis and epiphysis of proximal tibia. ✔️Note peri-lesional edema (yellow arrow) and soft tissue extension (red arrows). ☑️Small calcified lung nodule is seen on thorax Ct (may 2017) Note significant enlargement of nodule in 2 month, additional nodules are also seen , ✔️consistent with metastasis of Osteosarcoma. ☑️Biopsy was consistent with osteosarcoma( taken in May 2017)


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